Justice, Unity & Social Transformation Campaign

At JUST we believe that healthcare is a right, and nobody should lose their livelihood over medical debt.

Our lead organizers for this campaign have their own compelling stories regarding medical debt.

Larry: Less than two years after my mom passed away, I lost my childhood home because of medical debt. At just 22 years old, without parents (my father passed away from colon cancer in 2011), I found myself without the home my parents had worked so hard to leave me.

In 2018 alone, I moved four times, facing constant stress and anxiety due to skyrocketing medical expenses. The instability I experienced is something no one should have to endure. I am determined that no one else should face what I have. This campaign represents a small step towards relieving medical debt for all.

Tyrone: The fear of medical debt has prevented many in my family from seeking healthcare. In 2014, I lost my grandmother to a preventable disease that wasn’t caught until its late stages due to her lack of medical coverage. She avoided going to the doctor to avoid hefty bills or going into debt. Unfortunately, others in our community are still making this unjust sacrifice in 2024.

Healthcare is vital, and until society fully realizes that, I will dedicate my energy to any effort aimed at alleviating the burden of healthcare costs in this country, including our collaboration with Undue Medical Debt.

To learn more about JUST please visit Justcbus.org